03 April 2011

Haiku Part Cinq

Sunny weekend -- missing a partner in crime but making the most of it. I am becoming disturbed at how tan I am. This is not how I Heart Palindromes is supposed to look. I suppose there are worse arrows of fate one could suffer. Craving a Sunday bar date with Boondock. I'll settle for a hamburger with the Cubs on TV. Oh, and Haiku.

Saved By The Bell
Screech was a stalker.
Somehow it was endearing.
Not so much now though.

Likely the apex
of modern society.

Agro-crag dreams and
glitter explosions. Somehow
it was topical.

Hey Dude
You can carbon-date the
the writing because the rich
girl* was from Detroit.

*for those that don't recall; her name was Brad.

Hey Dude (2) 
New Yorker freaks out,
buys a dude ranch? I don't know,
odds were on a Porche.

Can you really watch
this without thinking about
the midget in there?

Not my best work, getting back into the swing of it. Almost there.


-I Heart Palindromes

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