03 March 2011

Old Dog Old Tricks

It can be strange at times how competency can almost sneak up on you. I spent a good chunk of my day yesterday walking back through loan-loss provisions at mid-Atlantic community banks. I was genuinely surprised at how quickly all of that came back to me. If you don't see this as notable, pull up an income statement for a bank, or try to comprehend a balance sheet for a bulge-bracket broker. Good luck. Ruining my life for three winters/springs in the name of the CFA turned out to be worth it I suppose. I don't think I actually believe that but I certainly have to pretend.

While the last eighteen months have been a mixed bag (read: less than stellar) for my career, no one can take away what I've already managed to cram into my head. It's like that moment in a meeting with a consultant when you realize that they have absolutely no clue how to obtain a set of quotes for a SWAP (or why GS happens to be point away from C). Or the moment where I realized that the Stanford Ph.D. portfolio manager across from me had no idea how a holding company was structured and why it mattered. I've traded domestic and foreign equities, listed and OTC futures and forwards, listed and OTC options; I know how these things quote, expire, and settle. I have put on trades for both fundamental and technical reasons. I understand how market-makers never go broke. I've modeled private equity transactions that involved warrants and trust preferred securities with step-up triggers. I can delta-hedge an options portfolio without fucking up the dividends part within the basket of equities. I have had one short get bought. I have had more than one long get bought. I know what the skew of volatility is and why it's the only thing that matters; I have my own personal theories on why the volatility of volatility matters and the reasons I love asset-classes that have no arbitrage-able underlying. I can talk to a floor trader, analyst, portfolio manager or homeless man easier than I can talk to an investment banker because I actually understand how they get paid. I know what it means to have a trade DK'd and I also know what four-letter words you use on the phone with the executing broker when it happens (answer: all of them... and some you've made up on the fly). I didn't read about these things I learned them in doing. I am happy about this.

Thank you for being subjected to my pep-talk, my largest cheerleader who usually fills this role ahead of important events can't this time around. I'll have to be self-sufficient with my ego-stroking.

With that out of the way, I'll get two of these out before I hit the road:

Bloody Bull at five.
Delta zero over night.
In between is life.

Russell Indexes (CRS)
Finance geek at heart.
She always sells herself short.
Knows more than she knows.

Wow, I just worked a finance pun into my Haiku. I don't even know what to say.


-I Heart Palindromes

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