26 March 2011

Dear John

Dear Western Europe,

You are an economy that has been in secular decline since the 1800's. You have a stagnant private sector and a shrinking tax-base. You protest budget cuts with riots that force police over-time and damage property that tax coffers pay to preserve and repair. You protest the rationalization of legacy benefits tied to a great and expanding empire to the languishing Republics that now comprise you. You will have budget cuts. You will have entitlement cuts. You will have higher unemployment. You will face higher taxes. You will be forced to cope with the emigration of your most educated and talented. I am sorry Western Europe, you will go the way of all bankrupt soverigns. No matter how historically wealthy, the world will find a conservator for you that will manage your wind-down and sale. So stop throwing trash cans through the windows of the very legitimate institutions that are leaving you behind for growth elsewhere; it just makes you look like spoiled children. Which you are.


The growing developed world.

-I Heart Palindromes

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