10 February 2011

Jameson Macallan Murphy

Only modestly Irish.  My friend Babson just moved from SFO to Chicago.  He is originally from Boston.  He, much like myself, was born to this world with a name that screams Irish.  He moved to Chicago for his girlfriend and last night told me that he was surprised to find the city so well set-up for an American Irishman.  I really thought he was more observant than that.  He'll be in tow for the Death March in... March (now if only someone would actually die on this thing the circle of clever-pun-ness would be complete).  I have odds on Bobster The Lobster.  Trust me, these pseudonyms actually make sense if you meet these people.  Well, for the most part. Boondock was more because I knew she'd like it than because she murdered sinners.  OK, more like 75/25 split I suppose.  I did most things because I thought she'd like them, it just seemed to make sense that way.

The Hammer
I did not know the
irony of naming you
after a lawyer.

The General
At home in the seat
of the south. You know, or eight
mile in Detragic.

... To be continued ...


-I Heart Palindromes

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