03 June 2010

Thank You Captain Obvious

I have a whole host of things to post from my nearly-week-long jaunt back to a certain Midwest town, that begins with a C, ends with an O, and in the middle spells "hicag".  If you catch my drift.

Unfortunately, being sans Bloomberg terminal for that long, means I am currently drowning in back-logged news, research, and Gary Coleman death jokes from heartless traders.  As an example:  please find below "Gary Coleman's Casket".  Too soon?

I did, however, want to share one piece of LA-ness, that I was greeted with while reading the LA Times during my shoe-shine this afternoon.  This was the scene on the lower portion of the front page of the paper.

Just to be entirely clear (in case you're having trouble making this out).  The first line of this beautiful piece of journalism reads "Former Marine-Turned Rastafarian Joseph Dillberti" let us pause.  Please, everyone, say that phrase out-loud.  Seriously, just once.  What is "a phrase that could only be published in a newspaper in California for $1,000 Alex"?  Then comes the true pinnacle of this hard hitting human-interest piece.  The line continues ", left".  Yes, the LA Times just identified which man in this photo is the "Marine-Turned Rastafarian".  Thank you for that clarification, I would have been befuddled otherwise.  Could you also identify the officer of the peace in this scene?  I see the uniform but I am just not positive. 

Los Angeles: 5,375 -- I Heart Palindromes: 0.

Thank you for letting me get that out there inter-web.  Without my partner in judgement (we'll call her Boondock from here on out) you will have to do.

Too Legit, To Legit To Quit,

-I Heart Palindromes 

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